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Old 08-17-2008, 11:25 AM   #4
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Minnesota
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Originally Posted by Surfah View Post
If those change orders are not included in the addendum then I wouldn't think you'd be held to it. I was a home builder a few years ago before the collapse. I would routinely meet with the home owner and our sales agent to go over changes such as these. All changes went into an addendum and was signed before any work could be started. It was a CYA measure for us as builders because we didn't want to run into issues like your security system issue. And in the few instances where I did end up running into these types of situations the home owner either kept what we installed without charge or we would go through great lengths including remodels and moving walls to make things right.
The dumb thing is, without going into all the details - I can see their point of view. They weren't trying to rip us off, they were just trying to do what they thought we wanted. And they did do the work, and we would benefit from it. So I didn't just want it for free. I just wanted them to see where they had not dealt properly with me, acknowledge it, give me $300 or $400 off of the total $1600 in overcharges, and all would be fine.

The builder did do very good work. He was in a position to get some good word of mouth. He will not get it now, and if anyone talks to me about building, I'll be quick to recommend that they not go with this builder if they want to avoid headaches. Instead of getting a pretty positive recommendation. Not much business sense, I'd say.
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