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Old 08-18-2008, 09:07 PM   #103
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Originally Posted by Jeff Lebowski View Post
And I am saying that the growing evidence for/sympathy with the immutability argument has a major impact on how the public views the issue and whether or not it is a valid right. I am not making a legal argument here (I am not crazy enough to attempt that). I am just saying that this is what has caused a sea change in public opinion, IMO. And ultimately, the public will decide.
I see what you are saying, and I think this is what SU is saying too. That is, there is an impulse to say we should give it to them because they can't help the fact that they want it. My argument is not a legal one either. What I am saying is take as a given that they can't help that they want it and you still have to answer the moral question of whether you recognize that as a legitimate want.

Or assume the opposite, that it is purely a choice. Once still has to decide the moral question of whether you recognize it as a legitimate desire.

I think you are correct that as more people view it as immutable they are also more likely to view it as moral (or at least not immoral) but I think that is interesting too because this would appear to be an appeal more to sympathy than reason, which is not at all illegitimate, but just interesting.
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