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Old 08-18-2008, 10:01 PM   #2
jay santos
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Originally Posted by MikeWaters View Post
and talk about the more core issue explaining why the church opposes gay marriage: it is the same reason that the church opposes civil unions for gays.

Now the trick is to explain why the church opposes civil unions for gays. And also why in its recent press release, it pretended to NOT oppose them.

Now we all know that the apologists are having a dickens of a time explaining the church's opposition to gay marriage. How the hell are they supposed to explain opposition to civil unions? But I know we have a few enterprising apologists here, so maybe one of you is up to the challenge of explaining why all must rise up against civil unions.
Is this so hard to understand? The church is against homosexual sex. The church has in the past and will in the future jump in the political arena on morality issues.

You may not like the reason but that is the reason.
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