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Old 09-15-2008, 05:44 AM   #17
Recruiting Coordinator/Bosom Inspector
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Originally Posted by creekster View Post
ANyone can feel the spirit IMO, and Triplet makes a nice explanation of why this si true. However, I think it lkeaves BDB's quesiton unanswered. Is the sort of subconscious awareness of dnager, or an urge to flee, spiritual or instinctual? Are we saying that ALL people feel the spirit at those moments ALL the time?

Some may be the spirt, some may be insticnt. It hink we are hard wired to perceive certain sensory input as indicative of elevated risk. One might suppose God created us this way (as I do) but leaving faith out of it, I thihnk this sort of sense of danger is somethign that we come equipped with whether or nto we are seeking the spriit, whether or not we are feeling like we need the spirit and whether or not we are living the gospel.

That being said, I also believe that some persons in some circumstances recieve more specific urges and psiritual promptings that tranascend our normal reactions, but that could only be decided subjectively on a case by case basis.
Most of your posts confirm to me that drunk people can feel the spirit.
She had a psychiatrist who said because I didn't trust the water system, the school system, the government, I was paranoid," he said. "I had a psychiatrist who said her psychiatrist was stupid."
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