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Old 09-30-2008, 07:01 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by exUte View Post

Absolutely no mention that the majority party had 94 defectors as well. It's all just Republicans.

Can the MSM influence public opinion? Is there ANY doubt? Citizens are polling according to what they are fed.
It's quite possible there has never been more biased political coverage of a Presidential election in my lifetime.

Originally Posted by Ma'ake View Post
Did the MSM force McCain to suspend his campaign & sprint to Washington to "save the nation"?

McCain threw a hail-mary pass and it fell to the ground. How is that the announcer's fault?

On the one hand, the MSM is the devil and responsible for all kinds of bad things... on the other hand, nobody listens to them anymore and Rush Limbaugh is the nation's oracle of truth & wisdom.
Bull. Before McCain came to town there were reportedly 4 of the 50 conservative Republicans on board for this deal. Four. And yet the Dems could STILL have passed the bill had they kept their caucus together.

Before McCain came to town the conservative bloc of 50 had not been consulted AT ALL. The press parroted Barney Frank that a deal was already cut even though it hadn't been. And yet the Dems could STILL have passed the bill had they kept their caucus together.

After McCain's work, these R's were included in negotiations and many came on board. Not enough, obviously, but more than otherwise would've been. And yet the Dems could STILL have passed the bill had they kept their caucus together.

If we're going to continue to use bad football analogies, this one isn't a flat-falling Hail Mary. It's a deep ball that connected, and within 5-yards of a touchdown, a linebacker named Nancy Pelosi marched out and tacked the receiver.

Meanwhile, Obama, after shouting out play calls from the stands, left to get a hotdog and missed the entire play.
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