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Old 07-23-2006, 06:35 PM   #6
Jeff Lebowski
Join Date: Jan 2006
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Originally Posted by Robin
I guess the risk in this situation is that if the economy in general hits a serious general speed bump, and this drives home prices down and interest rates up, you don't have the option of 'riding out the storm' along with people that have a long term fixed rate. And to complicate things a bit more, if the market looks like it is even heading that way, we could get a glut of houses on the market all at once, from people in your situation, and that could also drive prices down.

I certainly don't look forward to economic disaster for this country, but as the kind of fool who didn't crunch the numbers in the first place, who was an ignorant first-time home buyer, we have a 30-year fixed in a home that we are definitely going to sell LONG before 30 years are up (it was only a $75k loan, so the cost of our error isn't too deadly), we will be in a good position to pick up a 2nd home for cheap if the market ever goes belly up.
It's like the old saying: "You don't know who is swimming naked until the tide goes out." I am guessing that there will be some real bargains on mansions in Utah in the next couple of years.
"... the arc of the universe is long but it bends toward justice." Martin Luther King, Jr.
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