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Old 10-30-2008, 10:57 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Archaea View Post
DDD, you may wish to quit while you're ahead. You may know it out of interest, and perhaps related to your legal profession, but SEIQ knows it from an academic perspective. This is one fight you'll lose.

I can confess I have no idea what flash mobbing is, but I do know what SEIQ knows, he usually knows well. And in communications field, he'll destroy us easily.
This is why I asked earlier...if he wants to discuss French Situationalism, fine....have at it.

I am talking about Flash Mobbing as part of pop culture or avante garde performance art, two things SIEQ has not established as personal strongholds.

SIEQ claims to have been discussing flash mobbing for a decade....yet the one clip he posts of a "flash mob" isnt even a flash mob. The book he cites was written in 2003. This would mean that SIEQ was following flash mobbing back in 1998...likely before the author of the very book he cites. Where was he following the mobs? And for being so passionate, has he ever mentioned flash mobbing before?

I can tell you exactly where I learned about flash mobs...and when. I bought my first gen iPod at the apple store just after 9/11. There were pics of a london flash mob wherein people were wearing ipods in a tube station (i believe at Covent Garden, not sure though). I thought they were cool so I started following them a bit.

Early examples of flash mobbing in pop culture involved pillow fights as a commentary on war, or the use of walkmen/mp3 players as a commentary on technology. Flash mobs were political, or at least social commentaries by nature.

The clip that SIEQ posted is just some people sitting still at lunch. It doesnt even follow traditional flash mob protocol.....wherein everyone assembles very quickly, does something, and then disperses just as quickly. If he were truly into the subculture, trust me....THAT would not be the clip that he posted.

The most popular one on the web is probably the Grand Central Station clip....a much better example of flash protocol. This particular group, Frozen New York, has been organizing mobs for several years to go to train stations, Home Depots, and the like.

From an academic perspective, no problem. I have no dobt that SIEQ has read a book about something that already was taking place and that passed him by.
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