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Old 11-02-2008, 11:11 AM   #82
Join Date: Feb 2007
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minn_stat is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Archaea View Post
The entire health care debate is one of lies and deception.

From those who advocate universal care, we have bloviated numbers of persons denied health care, or access, dying because of lack of insurance. Investigate the "sources" for these numbers, dig deeper and you can determine there are lies.

Then the opponents engage in the same sorts of chicanery. Nobody is being honest in this debate, and the ones who will be screwed are the consumers of it.

When Obama relies extensively upon Kaiser Permanente for his numbers, you know what angle he's heading at and what biases the documentation will provide. Why is this? Because managed care presumes they will be the major beneficiaries of universal care so they carry the water of proponents. It's one big circle jerk.
The numbers being bloviated is par for the course for those who want government to give them money and/or power. I remember when we had the homeless crisis. Three million homeless, we were told, with accompanying stories of people sleeping beneath underpasses.

But even a cursory exercise with mathematics and logic shows that they were taking huge liberties with numbers and definitions at best, and outright fabricating (lying) at worst.

Three million homeless is over 1% of Americans. If 1% of the people of Salt Lake Valley were homeless, that means there should have been nearly 10,000 homeless people in the valley. And over 3,000 in Utah Valley. Well over 100,000 in the greater Los Angeles area. I'm sure all of you noticed these throngs of homeless back in those days...

When supporters were clamoring for passage of the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), they claimed over 40 million Americans had disabilities. That was 1 in 7 Americans, and to paraphrase P.J. O'Rourke, that can't be true unless they count the inability to balance a checkbook as a disability.
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