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Old 11-03-2008, 08:15 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by SeattleUte View Post
If you carefully read my posts here you will see that in the aggregate I'm quite charitable toward and intensely interested in religions, religious history, and even religious experience. I have gone so far as to say that religious history and world history are the nearly same thing until the Seventheenth Century, when they start to diverge. I think that's clearly true. Even the Enlightenment is only fully understood as a contrast to religion, as its proponensts saw it. I am nearly as critical of the dogmatic atheists as dogmatic religious people. On the other hand, one facet I find intolerable about Mormonism is its cavalier dismissal of religious history and experience outside Mormonism, and Mormons' debt to it in just about every way you can think of.

My post that you quote wasn't all that serious and was in fact kind of a parody. But I honestly do believe that Mormons who go through life in the self-satisfied delusion that anyone who rejects their way of life must be lazy and/or immoral are just flat out stupid. They lack the capacity to think critically, are out of touch with the world, and in fact with themselves. I was directing my post to the demonstrably ignorant SMR, not you. I appreciate you sharing your nuanced perspective.

Take this for what it's worth, but for my part, I'm satisfied I live a hard working disciplined life, very nearly a life of drudgery, actualy. I work almost to a fault, and spend every spare moment reading or in exchanges like this. But I'd nearly rather have bamboo shoots thrust up inside my nails as sit through an LDS sacrament meeting. The banality and nonsense is pure torture. That's just the way I am; I'm not looking for license to "sin." I promise. I think it's a total waste of time and harmful to my children, especially my daughters.

What the heck is wrong with you today? Why the animosity towards SMR? Esp from one who laments his own public school education.

I am never personally threatened by your rants against mormonism, but you have been somewhat surly today towards individual posters, and truthfully none of it has been merited.

Settle down, you have the nicest legs here. No one is taking that title away.
Fitter. Happier. More Productive.

"Everyone is against me. Everyone is fawning for 3D's attention and defending him." -- SeattleUte
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