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Old 11-06-2008, 02:27 PM   #85
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Originally Posted by creekster View Post
Do you see this in your ward? I know of several people in my ward that opposed the proposition and they are nto being treated as pariahs. Where do you get this crap? Moreover, the church never said it was the gettysburg. This was an anecdote reported bu never confirmed, AFAIK. Why is no one willing to judge the measures taken here on the basis of what the church says instead of what they think it says or think it means?
pariah may be strong, but come on, creek-a-rino....the Church did NOT make it clear from the outset that voting No was ok or acceptable. And while every ward likely had dissenters, I can honestly say that I heard zero OPEN discussion of their opinions. It was all in private conversation. The thought was that if you said you were voting No, you could either get in trouble (which was an unfounded fear) or be treated like a pariah. Based on the reactions of folks on CB (not so much this board, with the outrageous exceptions of Exie and NorCal Cat), can you blame the No voters for simply keeping their opinions to themselves in public?

Why didnt they publish this most recent statement BEFORE the election....the one that basically says, "hey, we know many members will vote no and that all our members shape their political opinions based on personal experiences.....the main thing is that we all respect each other."

Might have made this process much more friendly.
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