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Old 11-06-2008, 07:57 PM   #4
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Very good questions, Tex. This is an issue that cannot be resolved easily in the context of the Church's strict requirements for its members' personal conduct and beliefs. It is definitely much more problematic from a doctrinal standpoint than the African American priesthood issue. Other churches have it much simpler because they don't require any litmus tests as far as conduct or beliefs in order to participate.

I'm not sure what would be wrong with letting gay people attend Church and have callings if they choose. I guess the objection from orthodox LDS would be that they are having sex outside of marriage and that isn't allowed.

So it turns out that we need gay marriage to help the Church hold gays to the same standard it holds straights regarding sexual conduct. Since we all know the Church's position on that issue, I don't see significant change for gays in the Church coming anytime soon.

Anybody find it interesting that the Church basically says to gays: "We're treating you just like the straight people. No sex outside of marriage." But then the Church says, "No gay marriage allowed." That's pretty funny if you ask me.
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