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Old 11-07-2008, 06:45 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by cougarobgon View Post
In other posts I have mentioned that I have never known a gay individual that I would consider to have been born gay or at least that they expressed to me that they were born gay. I have interacted with gays in the work place, neighborhood kids I grew up with, church counseling. I will admit, my experience has been limited and the sample pool is minute, but, that interaction and my belief in the creation of man and the existence of God, has led conclude that gay people choose to be gay.

I will acknowledge that our bodies are complex and our genetic make up I am sure can affect how we think, what we feel, etc...the environment can also affect how people choose to live their lives. However, the bottom line is that an individual still has to make a choice to live a gay lifestyle, a lifestyle that is not consistent with God's teachings.

Prop 8 was not about deciding whether or not one was born or chose to be gay. It was about gay marriage. I was in favor of prop 8 not because of my belief that people choose to be gay, rather, it was that I did not want to legitimize behavior that I consider to be contrary to God's teachings. Marriage is the "crown jewel" for homosexuality and the debate is not over.

I am done with this topic.
I'm assuming you're talking about your interactions with members as a bishop. In these cases, no, I don't doubt that they're going to claim to be born that way--they're hoping to change. This is not a representative sample of gay people.

I'll agree with you that it's a choice to live the lifestyle. But that's not the question. The question is can they fundamentally change their sexuality at their core. In most cases, I doubt it.

Whether or not they have gay sex isn't what makes them gay. Would you have considered yourself neutral up until the point you had sex?
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