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Old 02-24-2009, 01:12 AM   #13
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OK, now that I have a little bit more time I'll explain why a just God would give Tex a gay son (or even better, transform him into a gay person).

For me, the feeling that permeates Tex's post is utter lack of empathy. Even other orthodox Mormons occasionally think "Wow, it would really be difficult to be a gay Mormon." It seems like Tex's attitude about this is "That could never happen to me or to someone I care about." The fact that he and others consider that attitude to be religious and Christlike is fascinating.

Here are the obvious responses for anyone who has actually met and been capable of empathizing with a gay person.

#1. Actually the issue of gay marriage does affect my family and many other families. I have a close relative who is gay. I remember when he was in his mid 20s and still single him saying something like, "I would love to be married someday, but I just haven't found anybody I want to marry." He was a returned missionary and devoted to the Church and I think he was still in denial about his sexual orientation. He's now in his 40s and has a long-term partner. I'm sure he would still like to be married and I can empathize with that desire because I love being married to my wife. It's the most important thing in my life and why would I want to deny somebody else that opportunity to be married and to call it a marriage?

#2, #3. For most people, being gay is not a choice. This is self-evident if you have ever talked to a gay person about how he figured out he was gay. Sexual orientation is not well understood, but saying it is a choice is ignorant. Even the apostles officially recognize this now. If you still don't, time to get in line with the Brethren and stop being purposefully ignorant about this issue.

#4, #5. My marriage and family is the most important thing in my life. No, it's not a "civil right" in the same way as the right to vote or to own property, etc. But I would want any other adult couple who wishes to have that same chance to be married to be able to be married. To equate a single person who can't find a partner with gay people who have chosen each other and want to be married again shows a total lack of empathy. It's not the same thing.

#6. Tex, I'm gonna assume you are a heterosexual. If a judge passed a law that you could only marry another guy, apparently your response would be, "OK, that's cool. At least I can still get married." I guess you really are a "cup half-full" kind of guy. Most gay people don't feel the same way. They would rather marry someone to whom they are attracted.

Overall, my main question for Tex is, "Are you utterly unable to empathize with gay people?" Sure seems that way. I'm fascinated that for you and others, part of having a testimony of Jesus Christ apparently includes an utter disregard for the feelings of your gay brothers and sisters. Who is your neighbor?
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