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Old 05-15-2009, 06:19 PM   #64
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You know, Tex, you can think of me whatever you wish.

I don't think you can find a single instance in which I have honestly criticized the church (although I did at one point suggest that the doctrinal focus on works can lead to frustration and a sense of inadequacy).

I do think the BYU law school mailing was awfully odd. Even the LDS women I talked to were taken aback (and one was inspired to a very rare fit of profanity) at the material.

In this thread I was sincere in what I wrote to A-A. Are all thirty-year-old Mormon women unhappy? No. Are most? Probably not. But my experience in talking to them is that there's considerable pressure to pursue a certain life course. I believe that that was Mike's point, and I was agreeing with him.

I don't know if you read CUF. If you do, then perhaps you're referring to my trolling of UtahDan two weeks ago. I'm surprised you would fall for that. In general, the use of phrases like "archaic misogyny" and "pathetic holdover from a bygone era" is a pretty good indication that a poster is not engaging in genuine, earnest discussion.

I think my feelings on the church and its members are a well-established matter of record. Do I think there are inherent dangers in the messages that cultures like yours and mine send to young women? Absolutely. But after all I've posted in three years, if you wish to think that I honestly believe that the church is a misogynist mechanism for the institutionalized repression of women, well, nothing I say now is going to change your mind.
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