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Old 07-31-2009, 11:18 PM   #2
Cali Coug
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Cali Coug has a little shameless behaviour in the past

Originally Posted by il Padrino Ute View Post

Only idiots think this is a good thing. Limiting the pay of CEO's is nothing more than left-wing dipshit economics.

Our Socialist in Chief is showing his true colors once again. He pushed for this and got it by his sychophantic worshipers in the House.

Since Obama has taken office, he's bailed out banks that made stupid decisions, then he refused to accept the TARP paybacks, because Obama loves state controlled banks.

Add to the list the state owned car manufacturer and this horrendous hardcore socialized medicine bill that he and the other socialists want to shove down our throats (not to mention the relentless assault on the 2nd Amendment) the only conclusion is that Obama is a socialist.

Only the dumbasses who support this man can't see it.

This used to be the greatest country in the world. What a shame that we as citizens have been so foolish to allow it to happen.
Lol! Another classic Il Pad post.

Take a moment for serious introspection, Il Pad, if you will. Please go back and take a sampling of your posts re Obama or Democratic proposals, and look at how many include something to the effect of "Only idiots believe" or "You have to be stupid to agree with this..."

Could it possibly be, Il Pad, that there are actually arguments (good, solid, rational arguments), which support ideas you disagree with? Is it even within the realm of possibility that you don't have sufficient knowledge to say with absolute certainty that "only stupid people believe X?"

If you answer honestly, perhaps you will see why your posts are so frequently ridiculed as asinine.

I strongly disagree with Republicans on many issues, but at least I can acknowledge (and understand) that they have legitimate arguments (usually) based on rational thought, I just assign a different value to the assumptions underlying their analysis.
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