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Old 01-13-2010, 02:44 PM   #1
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Default Rough week for Democrats

Scott Brown (R) has made an unlikely resurgence (or maybe just "surgence") in Massachusetts, raising $1.3 million dollars in a single day in small money donations (avg donation: $77). Martha Coakley (D) has been forced to actual campaign, turning in a sub-par debate performance, running a misleading attack ad with the name of her own state misspelled, and even paying Brown-supporting union workers to hold up campaign signs.

Coakley sounded the warning horn at a swanky DC fundraiser, begging for money, and it's estimated the DNC may have to pour in as much as $1 million of its own dollars to combat Brown's grassroots uprising. And in the (still) unlikely event he ends up winning, the Dems in the Senate are threatening to delay his swearing-in to avoid his filibuster-breaking 41st vote on health care, further angering the electorate.

This is Ted Kennedy's former seat, folks. This is Massachusetts.

And then, of course, we have the Democrat leadership's outrageous display of racism. Harry Reid refers to "light-skinned ... Negro dialect" and Bill Clinton says, "A few years ago Obama would've been getting us coffee." This is the party that blacks voted for by a 90% margin in 2000. Of course the Dems, including the racist "black leadership" (Bond, Jackson, Sharpton), are in full circle-the-wagons mode.

It's a great way to kick off 2010. May it continue.
"Have we been commanded not to call a prophet an insular racist? Link?"
"And yes, [2010] is a very good year to be a Democrat. Perhaps the best year in decades ..."

- Cali Coug

"Oh dear, granny, what a long tail our puss has got."

- Brigham Young
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