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Old 08-07-2006, 09:25 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by MikeWaters
it's been a while since I talked with an evangelical. maybe the last one was a med student, a year ahead of me. he offended probably everyone in the medical school with his aggressive tactics.

i think the evangelical strain appeals to the mullah-types. the ones that want a strict doctrine, black and white, that separates them from everyone else.
You basically have your hard-core evangelicals like what you describe and then your generic Christians who sort of believe the evangelical doctrines but aren't that up on the Bible and aren't too aggressive about their beliefs. The hard-core are pretty much impossible to discuss anything with. I find the generic Christians already instinctively believe a lot of LDS doctrines but just don't realize that's what they are nor that their church doesn't teach those things.
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