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Old 07-18-2014, 02:35 AM   #2
Formerly known as MudPhudCoug
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Originally Posted by MikeWaters View Post
What we are left with after the article published by the church in 2013.

1. Joseph Smith ordained a black man.

2. Brigham Young announced a doctrine from the Lord that forbade blacks from being ordained.

3. Brigham Young proffered many racist justifications and ideas that make the skin crawl.

4. Subsequent general authorities also offered much of the same, and expanded on it.

5. Ban was lifted. And all prior justifications were declared wrong and void. Bruce R. McConkie: "Forget everything I have said, or what ... Brigham Young ... or whomsoever has said ... that is contrary to the present revelation. We spoke with a limited understanding and without the light and knowledge that now has come into the world."

6. Church rejects all past and present racism.

So God wanted blacks to not receive the priesthood, but let most of his subsequent prophets promulgate ideas that essentially promoted racism in the church. All those ideas were wrong, the but the ban itself was God's will for reasons unknown. And Joseph Smith was misguided to ordain a black man, or it was okay in that time for him to do so, and God changed his mind just a few years later without telling his prophet why and not stepping in to correct him as he promoted racism.

That's our current state of affairs for the conservative believer.

Instead of just saying "we got it wrong, and it took a while to get it right."

You be the judge of which is the more satisfying answer.
I would seriously sacrifice a year of salary just to sit in with the Q of the 12 when they discuss how to present these issues.

Undoubtedly there is some discussion of just admitting the mistake and apologizing for it.

I'm sure they think they are admitting and apologizing but somehow softening the blow with circumlocution.
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