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Old 11-03-2005, 09:45 PM   #8
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Default Re: I'm so tired of this

Originally Posted by myboynoah
Having not grown up in Utah by your own admission, I marvel at your ability to speak to the experience with such authority. :?
I know myself. I know Utah. Therefore, authority.

You're right, it's impossible to *know* what would have happened, and it's entirely in my own best psychological interests to believe that what did happen was what *should* have happened, but living outside the state allowed me to exhibit my contrarian nature by being a good little Mormon kid. It would have been difficult to express this nature within an predominantly LDS community without at some point leaving the path dictated by the church.

Utah has a lot of pluses and minuses and I didn't move away from there last week b/c I wanted a change of physical scenery (it was job-related). For me, though, having lived there for 4+1 years as a student and again for the past year, it has proven itself an awkward environment vis a vis my relationship with the church.

Not everyone has to believe Utah represents an ideal environment.

Es irrt der Mensch solang er strebt.
-J. W. v. Goethe
(OTOH, just because you screw up, that doesn\'t mean you\'re getting somewhere.)

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