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Old 12-12-2005, 02:48 AM   #31
non sequitur
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Originally Posted by Parrot Head
Good to see non sequitor staying true to his moniker by comparing prescription drugs to alcohol. I also wonder how many people you know who drink, to not know many that drink to excess. I'm immersed in the college atmosphere right now and that's all these kids think about -- well, that and the discussion that followed. And this was true even with the grad students I was with, many of whom were well into their 30s. And isn't public intoxication the take-home portion of any state's Bar exam? And if you served a mission in Latin America you know how alcohol destroys people.

I think mp said it well in his post -- and this coming from a law student!
I'm sure lots of college kids abuse alcohol. That's mostly because they're young and stupid. Most of the people I know who drink, however, are not young and stupid. They are mostly professional people with good jobs and families.

In the same vein, most of the people I know who own guns are responsible, law-abiding citizens. I have heard several accounts though -- mostly anecdotal -- of people who actually use guns in furtherance of immoral pursuits. If this is indeed true, I would suggest that we immediately abolish gun ownership once and for all. :wink:
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