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Old 01-10-2007, 03:03 PM   #5
jay santos
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 6,177
jay santos is on a distinguished road

One of my best friends from my mission is probably the most talented person I know. Extremely intelligent, athletic, charasmatic, popular. Set ridiculous goals for himself like memorizing 100 vocabulary words (Korean) in a day, read the bible in a month, contact X investigators, etc. And always achieved his goals. We were comps for two months and did amazing work. He was the AP of our mission, and about the only AP I ever knew that was actually liked by his fellow missionaries.

He went away from the church almost immediately after coming home from his mission, still is away, and I don't anticipate him coming back--he's quite settled in to his life. He doesn't share why this came about.

I don't think you can assume missionaries that leave the church after their mission didn't have a testimony of the gospel or went on their mission for the wrong reasons.
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