Thread: Congrats...
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Old 03-04-2007, 04:01 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by MikeWaters View Post
I don't understand the Ute fans that think they have great players and a lousy coach.

Those players are not great. How many stiffs can you put on a court at the same time? Green, some fantastic player? Yikes.

Is he going to get faster before next year?

It's time to admit that the cupboard is bare. And that its Majerus' fault for being a cheater and getting the Utes under sanction.

While Giacoletti packs his belongings, Jabba the Hut rolls in the dough from ESPN.

Sorry, Giac, the world isn't fair. A cheater crippled you, then the fans stabbed you in the back, and then a bunch of sh*^%$ players turned on you.

But as they say in General Conference, "You knew what I was when you picked me up."

Otherwise, good luck to the Utes in the future.
This was actually the first game this year I was able to see. I don't think we have great talent outside of Nevill who if coached properly ought to be a dominant college player. I do think, however, that we have better talent than the 10 wins show. I didn't think BYU's team today was more talented or if it was only marginally so.

As I said to those I was watching with about two minutes in, watching the two teams was a night a day difference. BYU plays disciplined defense and runs its sets on offense. Utah did neither of those things. Coaching, particularly on defense, makes such a huge difference at this level.

I was listening last week to Gary Williams (Mayland's coach) talk about the Duke team. Williams said that Duke lost its offensive firepower to the NBA last year and that, consequently, they had no choice but to work themselves into a GREAT defensive team, which in his opinion they had. This got me thinking. An "offensive" oriented or run and gun style coach can never work at Utah. Why? Because every is going to be the year when we don't have great offensive firepower. There will be years when NBA talent is in the system, but that won't be consistent. So the way you win is by being disciplined, playing great defense and doing the fundamental things right. This is the way you maximize what you have.

This is what many Utah fans who thought that Majerus could be easily replaced didn't understand. That Utah team I watched tonight did not have the makings of a great team, however, there is no reason even with the youth that we shouln't have won 20 games this years. There were so many things I observed in the game where players just did dumb things or things where it was obvious that no one have ever taught them the right way to do it. This is the reason Chris Hill was right to recognize his error at this point, rather than seeing a better more experienced team underachieve again next year.

As a coach, you have to maximize what your team can do. Giac failed to do that. It is not because the talent is horrible or anyone turned on him. He just didn't get the best ouf of what he had. I think there is reason to think this could be a much better team next year.
The Bible tells us how to go to heaven, not how the heavens go. -Galileo

Last edited by UtahDan; 03-04-2007 at 04:06 AM.
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