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Old 03-13-2007, 06:22 PM   #11
Insensitive PAP
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Default What does that have to do with anything?

Originally Posted by Zulu451 View Post
The answer to this is VERY EASY: Kevin Durant

Until you have seen this guy play, you haven't seen anything. He could easily start for 75% of the NBA teams right now. He is what Lebron James would have been at the college level.

Fact is that Texas would evicerate BYU, Durant would hang 50 points on them being double covered the entire game. He put up 37 against Kansas, who is a really good defensive team. He averaged about 30 points in two games against Texas A&M who is the best defensive team in the country.

Just having Durant makes Texas a 4th seed.

Watch this guy, he is unbelievable.

All this comming from someone who literally hates TU.

If he is that great a player, their team should have better numbers. So how about someone answer the question? What, in the numbers, makes Texas deserve a higher seeding than BYU. And btw, the Big 12 sucks.
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