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Old 04-04-2007, 02:15 PM   #7
jay santos
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Originally Posted by Cali Coug View Post
The theme of the conference was the growing international nature of the church and how it can and should interact with the changing international environment.

It was facinating, but ironic. Of the approximately 10 speakers, 8 were males, 2 were females, and all ten were white and from the Utah region.

The audience was almost 100% white and about 80% male.

The discussion was very interesting, though. One person commented that he thought the church would be holding general conference in foreign nations within the next 30 years. I have long been a proponent of having speakers in GC speak in their native language and inviting many non-Americans to speak. Why shouldn't we hear from a Latino GA in Spanish? Wouldn't that advertise the international nature of the church more than just about anything the church could do (aside from calling more minorities to serve as GA's- there are currently ZERO African Americans serving as full time GA's).

Anyone else go?

This is unfortunate but typical. My company will frequently hold "global" meetings and then look around the room and realize we have similar representation as you describe, though half our employees and a majority of our sales are outside the U.S. This is a multi-billion dollar company and not a Utah/Mormon company.

P.S. my company CEO makes right around $1M with a bonus that could potentially double it, not $15M like Bud Selig. Indy was bullying some people on CB for being ignorant about finances for not knowing all CEO's make $15M a year.
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