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Old 04-10-2007, 07:55 PM   #2
jay santos
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jay santos is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by SeattleUte View Post
1) Taxi cabs. They think they have the divinely given right to merge, double park, cut across multiple lanes, do whatever they want, wherever and whenever they please.

2) Buses. They have the legal right to merge, double park, cut across multiple lanes, run red lights, do whatever they want, wherever and whenever they please, and they're huge.

3) Jaywalkers. Why do these people, many of whom can't even afford wheels, think their time is more valuale than mine?

4) Oncoming lanes are bumper to bumper, and a driver in front of me decides to turn left across a double yellow line.

5) Drivers crossing through the intersection perpendicular to me pretending like they're passing through a yellow light, but my light is totally green (could I make a citizen's arrest? sometimes I wish I were a cop).

6) Perpendicular traffic obstructing my right of way on a green light (green for me, red for them).

7) Protesters. I say move to Russia, see how you like it. Now get out of my way.

8) Poeple in mutli-floor offices too lazy to take the internal stair case.

9) People who stick their hands in the elevator door as it's just about to close (there are about eight banks of them in my building); I've fantasized about a disaster flick about arm crunching elevators.

10) Tail gaters (take a look at what's in front of me before you get so aggressive).

11) Sonics games (hardly any way to avoid the rush to Key Arena on my way home; thank God they'll soon be in Oklahoma or Renton, WA, out of sight out of mind).

12) Those who must be the upteenth person to squeeze into an already bursting elevator (and light up yet another floor) rather than wait one minute for the next one.

13) Delivery trucks who chose rush hour to block a whole lane while they unload. There should be a law.
I hate it when I get stuck at a stoplight and it takes me 8 minutes instead of 6 minutes to get to work.
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