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Old 05-07-2007, 04:05 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by il Padrino Ute View Post
I'm rooting against Bonds because he's the epitome of a jerk.

That said, if he'd just come clean and admit that he has cheated, I believe more people would accept him as the all-time HR leader if he would quit denying it. Also, I don't know how much the steroids actually helped him hit HRs as what they've done is helped him hit the ball 475 ft instead of 400 ft. He still had to put the ball on the bat. And it didn't hurt him one bit that when they built SBC Park, the right field wall isn't as deep as it was at Candlestick.

Bonds is going to break the Aaron's record, but history will look back at the legacy that either player left behind and they'll be remembered as this:

Aaron was a good guy who played hard and hit 755 without steroids.

Bonds was an asshole who hit hit the most home runs, but he used steroids to increase the distance on his hits and also had fences that were closer to home plate.

And I really doubt that there will never be a candy bar made in honor of Barry Bonds.
Coming clean hasn't done Pete Rose any favors...I know I know, it's different, but not really.

One of the most ridiculous media moments I've seen was when Jason Giambi came out an apologized to the fans for "what he had done." Most reasonable people at that point could read between the lines that he was talking about steroids, but the media kept on and on with this..."we have no idea what he apologized for..." Really Peter Gammons? Really Jason Stark? You know he can't talk about things going on in court (at the time)...does he need to come out and say it? Come on now!

If Bonds "came clean" tomorrow, people would be calling for him to retire short of the record...nobody would embrace him...imo.

I'll be interested to see what happens if Bonds name isn't on the big list that this NY Mets trainer supposedly has.
"It's not like we played the school of the blind out there." - Brian Johnson.
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