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Old 01-27-2006, 10:53 PM   #7
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Default Re: 6 albums that blew me away before 1990. No particular or

Originally Posted by SteelBlue
3) U2- The Joshua Tree I was a Junior in HS, and was on vacation driving across the desert with my family. I had this tape and listened to it all the way across the west to avoid actually speaking to my family. I thought U2 was decent before Joshua Tree, but they weren't my favorite. I had even heard "With or without you" many times on the radio before I ever borrowed the tape and I didn't really like it that much. But when I heard this album including all of the songs that never were radio releases it became my all time favorite. I still consider this my favorite album ever.

4) Pixies- Doolittle This was a sound I'd never heard before. I hadn't really listened to them before this 1989 album. I think they were way ahead of their time and that they perhaps laid some of the foundation of what was to come in the 90's. I still love this album.

6) Guns n roses- Appetite for Destruction Heard "welcome to the jungle" in the movie "The Dead Pool". Ran out and found the album. I remember thinking that I was hearing an album that would forever be a classic. I still love this album.
I'm with you on these, I'd add a couple...

REM- Document. If this album had not come out in the same year as Joshua Tree it would have gone down as one of the greatest albums in history. Unfortunately, Document is to music as Jan Ulrich is to cycling. Both will forever live in the shadow of a geater contemporary.

NIN- Pretty Hate Machine. Ok... It was the very end of 89 when I heard this, but that counts... NIN changed everything.

There are other albums I love but I think these are the only ones that really "Blew me away."[/b]
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