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Old 06-20-2007, 11:12 PM   #62
Formerly known as MudPhudCoug
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Originally Posted by mindfulcoug View Post
islam does respect people's lives ,thats why there is death penalty for someone who has committed first degree murder,so now ...lets see if we could give the same value to the spirit as well.. i mean sentencing death penalty for someone who is intentionally desteroying people's belief .. how rational it might sound to you ?

We have examples in our scriptures when people were "justifiably" murdered because they might have caused spiritual harm to others. In this way, we have something in common with Islam.

The difference is that these scriptural examples are viewed by many as very distant and perhaps even allegorical (fictional) stories. In other words, most of us don't really believe that God wants us to kill people because they do spiritual damage to others.

So, your beliefs and our beliefs have something in common, from a scriptural perspective. Many Mormons might even acknowledge that Mohammed was a prophet. The problem is that you guys interpret scripture too literally, and this is a form of fanaticism. Extreme Islam seems barbaric and bloodthirsty to us, especially when we see that people are willing (and feel justified) to kill each other over such trivial things as a book, and all in the name of religion.

I realize that the Koran is the center of your faith, and that it's perceived by many Muslims as horribly disrespectful that Rushdie wrote his book about the Satanic Verses.

But people write books mocking the Book of Mormon or Mormon beliefs all the time, and we just roll with it, and life is much more civil. It's a lot easier to have a normal society when you're not trying to kill people over books. There is no need to play medieval games with fatwas and hukms and killing people over their words.
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