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Old 07-24-2008, 06:00 PM   #42
I must not tell lies
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Let's suppose for a moment that President Kimball was not merely giving his personal opinion, but rather was speaking under the spirit when he said the world today (in 1972) was more wicked than at the time of Sodom & Gomorrah, and that rampant homosexuality was the sin that did those cities in.

Forgive me if I am paraphrasing the wrong prophet, but I suspect you all know which famous sayings I am referencing here.

And let's suppose that today, despite the sympathy many of us feel for those with same-sex attraction, and despite that we feel it is cruel and unusual to "punish" them, let's suppose that the prophets are right and this is the "sin" that would break the camel's back so to speak, and widespread gay legal rights would cause the earth to groan, tempests to flare, and Christ to return, burn the wicked and usher in the new millennium.

Is it wrong of me to look forward to that end result - - and actually hope that the great and terrible day arrives that much sooner?
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