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Old 01-09-2008, 03:37 PM   #21
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K-dog is on a distinguished road

What do we expect? We've empowered the women. Told them they are princesses. Told them they are valuable. Told them they are important. Told them they should be accomplished. They then go out to school and interact with a bunch of youg men told how bad, worthless, unfocused, lazy, violent and evil they are. Then we expect these downtrodden young men to approach these self-centered young women with confidence and ask them out. These guys work up the courage to send a text message (because they aren't worthy to ask in person) and the girl turns them down because she is irritated that they didn't ask in person. If she does go out with him, she finds out how meager his accomplishments are compared to hers. If he is an RM he is two years behind her in school and, although he has done what he is supposed to do, he hasn't done anything spectacular. The date goes badly as the little princess lectures our beleagured anti-hero on how great she is and how much she can do and what her expectations are (based on her Dad who she still has hero worship for). The young man not only refuses to ask her out again but swears off dating for another month, retreats into a fantasy world where he can accomplish things in a short amount of time, and finds porn a more attractive alternative because the girls on the internet aren't insisting that he be some combination of Gordon Hinckley, Paul Bunyan, Bill Gates, and Brad Pitt. Then, instead of realizing that these hands-which-hang-down need to be lifted up we send the Bishops to lecture them on their "responsibility" to ask girls out that they are neglecting and have Apostles call them out from the pulpit in priesthood session. The worst part is, it gets worse as they get older. The girls become more convinced that they are too good for the guys because everytime they talk to someone about their lack of boyfriend that person says guys "are intimidated by her because she is so accomplished and beautiful." Our little princess is increasingly full of herself and disdainful of all men. She eschews all relationships with the opposite sex except for her overly close hero worship of her father (that she has never gotten over), advances her career, expands her ego, and becomes the head of Deseret Book.

Bottom line, if these girls want to date badly enough they will ask guys out. If these girls are so hot, the top tier of guys (the .05% that they think are worthy of them) will ask them out. Until we stop trying to create superwomen at the expense of our young men, this problem will get worse.
He's down by the creek, walkin' on water.


P.S. Grrrrrrrrr
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