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Old 02-10-2007, 11:30 PM   #29
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This is what I would call a "Mormon talisman". I've always thought it interesting the way Mormons use amulets/talismans. Traditionally talismans/amulets are used to bring the wearer luck and keep them safe. Of course, Mormons don't explicitly say "this will bring me luck and keep me safe". Instead, we say, "If I wear this CTR ring/Young Women's Medallion/Return with Honor ring/etc. then it will serve as a reminder and then maybe if I'm in some situation where I am tempted to do something wrong then maybe I'll see the reminder and it will help me to choose the right". I've always been of the opinion that those thoughts we're just a more long-winded version of "this will bring me luck and keep me safe". I really don't think Mormonism is very much different from other religions with respect to talismanry.

In Thailand, most Buddhists would wear some type of amulet - maybe a special stone or a little buddha statue or something. Sometimes even a carved little wooden penis was warn around the waist for children that were born after their mother's had worshipped at certain fertility shrines. I had a companion that was really bugged by these amulets. He was always talking about how wearing amulets was like idolatry. Of course, the guy would never even think of leaving the house without his CTR ring on and his little "white bible" in his pocket.

In the Philippines every Catholic household had a "Sacred Heart of Jesus" picture somewhere in the house. You know - the one with the flaming heart sticking outside of Jesus' body with a crown of thorns around the heart. Either that or they had a "Baby Jesus as King" picture - the one where a little baby is wearing a crown and holding a sceptre. Sometimes they even had a Sacred Heart of King Baby Jesus combo where the royal baby had the flaming disembodied heart thing. Again, there were many missionaries that were bothered by these pictures and equated it to idolatry. Of course, every Bishops office in the Church has a picture of the "The Brethren" in it. Mormons are also counseled to have pictures of temples and of Jesus in their homes to "help maintain the Spirit in the home". The implication of that counsel is that having various pictures/objects around us will help keep us safe or protect us - perhaps not directly but definitely indirectly. Otherwise, what is the point of having them displayed? Thus, it's not so different, in my opinion, from having a little "spirit shrine" or buddha shrine or other things that other religions do to help keep them safe and protect them.
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