Thread: Suicide
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Old 01-20-2006, 02:40 PM   #13
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2006
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Posts: 13

I've been thinking about this a lot lately as well. I go to a ward in downtown SLC and our recently-released bishop commited suicide. It's caused a lot of members of the ward a lot of grief. The man served honorably as a bishop and was released after serving longer than the average bishop(just a note because people tend to wonder if he did something wrong with being released, then commiting suicide). However my take on it is that he just had open heart surgery a month or two before and its my guess that he was possibly depressed from the medication. Depression seems to be common for people on big time pain killers.
I wonder how many people have attempted suicide at some point in their life? Especially younger people (teens most notably). If suicide did damn someone forever, will an attempted suicide do the same? Is that not something you could repent of? Comparing two people (one that succeeded vs one that didn't) the only difference I see is that one was smarter or had better resources to follow through on it. Although on the other hand, perhaps the person who didn't succeed was just trying to get the attention that they felt they needed.
I don't have any real thoughts on the matter, just more questions.
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