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Old 04-04-2007, 03:51 AM   #3
Cali Coug
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Cali Coug has a little shameless behaviour in the past

Originally Posted by MikeWaters View Post
It's going to be a rough transition, given the lack of transition to date. Utahns will have to give up the idea that they are the center of everything.

But such is the nature of institutions when your leadership hearkens back to a different era.

Remember the Indian GA who was ex'ed? I wonder if they took a chance on a promising guy they didn't know well, and felt burned afterwards.

The nature of these things is you select someone that you 100% trust. And it is hard to trust people you don't know. You pray about those people you already know. And when you don't know a lot of people outside Utah and the mountain west, it is simply out of sight, out of mind.

I heard a GA talk about a time that another GA came down to reorganize a stake. He interviewed about every man that had a reasonable chance of holding such a position. And then people for whomm it was a big stretch. He said that he had not found the right man yet. So when he asked if there were any others, someone mentioned that someone had just moved in a week ago and was living in a motel. He interviewed this man and called him to be the Stake President.

Now I am not saying that the people who choose 70s know the candidate. But they trust the recommendation.
Yeah, I think (with no basis for knowing) that there are lots of people who could be called to be a GA and the Lord would be perfectly fine with the choice. He leaves it in the hands of the church authorities and confirms those whose names are suggested if they could work.

My guess would be that most GAs are called because the GAs currently in office know them and are comfortable recommending them. As a result, most who are called tend to come from the same racial and ethnic cultures as those who are serving because they tend to fraternize with those people more than those from other cultures and ethnicities. If I am right, they need to start thinking outside of the box a bit more to give the church's leadership more of a reflection of its actual international presence.
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