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Old 07-16-2006, 01:36 AM   #8
il Padrino Ute
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Originally Posted by Archaea
After recovering from the heat and humidity, I'll give a report for entertainment purposes.

We were headed for a leisurely 45-50 mile ride when a racer friend came by so we upped the pace a bit.

In the midst of the ride, a boater asked us to go boating at Lake Mead. So we did.

When it was time to ascend from the Lake, we noted the oppressive heat. We began melting as we noticed the tires liquifying. So we stopped for liquid after the climb.

My racer friend leans over to me and says, "if my wife were here I'd call her to pick us up."

I was hoping for a way to wimp out but we got home. It required a gallon of liquids before I felt somewhat normal again.

Note to self, do not ride in the midst of the day in Vegas during the summer. Having asphalt melt, tires stick to asphalt is a sign, no man should be riding.

I like Vegas whether but there is a reason why AC units were constructed.

For your information, our moderate sized abode has three AC units of 13 tons. Unfortunately, my carbon fiber bike does not have an AC unit.

To give you an idea what it's like to stare into that heat. On the unfortunate occasion when one must stop at a red light, sweat pours down one's head into one's eyes, thus blinding one with stinging salt. One's heartrate increase exponentially. Mine, on this "recovery ride' exceeded 200 beats per minute, and my effort wasn't that severe. Muscles twitch and ache and ice baths don't feel so bad.

One word comes to mind: Brutal.

I can remember one time while playing ball that the onfield temp. was 115. That was just draining. Lots and lots and lots of Gatorade and cold, wet towels. I even put a wet towel down the back of my jersey to try to keep cool, but it soon heated up because of the perspiration.

I much prefer cooler weather.
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