Thread: Outro
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Old 03-25-2006, 03:17 PM   #26
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 961
Robin is an unknown quantity at this point

Outlier makes an interesting distinction between 'community' and 'diversion.'

There are plenty of regulars here that probably view CG and CB as community. There are plenty of other regulars who see it all as a diversion.

My own 'meltdown' was realization that this place would probably never be a communtiy for me. I was interested in community, and didn't want to waste my time with diversions. But diversions come and diversions go. Community lasts.

Creekster wrote (during my 'meltdown'):

I enjoy CG and CB, but I have to say the only thing I find troubling about this whole episode is that you are talking about the whole experience like you were banished from your house when in fact you were only prevented from particiapting in a small portion of a website whose only purpose is to host messages between a semi-anonymous group of sports fans.
That was the moment I realized that Creekster was right, and I had been the fool. I had thought that I was participating in a 'community,' when people like Creekster and Outlier, and probably most of the 'regulars' saw it all as an elaborate diversion. I was imagining a 'five-year meet-and-greet' in arches national park, and others were thinking of it all as cigarette break at work.

Good luck in NY, Outlier, and I hope you get that killer Minesweeper score you always wanted.
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