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Old 08-04-2008, 12:38 AM   #42
Burning Bright
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Originally Posted by MikeWaters View Post
just because you spend money for the YM doesn't mean the church accepts it as a "donation." In fact you are getting a supposed tax benefit that probably 99% of YM leaders in this country are not claiming.

What happens when you are released and suddenly instead of the YM budget + 1200 you are adding, there is only the YM budget? Will those leaders be looked on as selfish? Will YM become disenchanted?
You think 99% of YM leaders don't claim YM related expenses as charitable donations? I have a hard time believing that. If they don't, they're foolish. Why wouldn't they?

What happens when I'm not in YMs anymore and there's less of a YM budget? They'll have to scale back or do a fund raiser.

Who's to say I wouldn't contribute to the YMs budget or other ward budget. If I believe the Church is a good cause and if I've taken vows to devote my time and resources to building up the church, then why wouldn't I?

I kind of getting the feeling I've put you on the defensive (or maybe you just like to be contrary). That wasn't my intention. I don't believe it should be the responsibility of YM leadership to fund YMs or Scouting. It's the ward's responsibility. I wouldn't look on anyone as being selfish because I don't know what their circumstances are or what they do donate. The only people who know what my wife and I donate are those responsible handling the donations. I don't advertise it. Then I'd lose my blessings.

My overall personal belief is that if God has been generous with you, you should be generous with others. This includes time, talents and/or resources.

As for young men becoming disenchanted in the future when/if there's less of a budget? Following that line of thinking, let's end the missionary program. Some of the converts they baptize will someday become disenchanted.
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