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Old 02-04-2008, 07:19 PM   #33
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Best defense I've ever seen used to keep guys off of you in the post was employed by a good friend of mine.

Kid was huge - probably only 6'2, but weighed a good 245, and MOST of it was solid muscle (especially after he discovered wrestling & football late in High School). At any rate, the kid would, after only five minutes of playing, completely drench his shirt in sweat. To the point where sweat was dripping off of him.

NO ONE would touch the kid when he was that soaked except for me (and keep in mind, I was 5'10, and weighed 145 on a good day). And let me tell you, when guarding the point, and taking a screen from the kid where my open mouth ended up smack in the middle of his man-boobs, I decided to stop playing him quite so physically.

The NEXT-best (or perhaps even better) method was one I employed. I went out to play some pick-up ball with my brother at a local church. My wife had fed me an hour or so before I left. She'd made Salmon-Loaf. It had a certain digestive reaction, producing a smell that was just short of lethal when escaping from either end. I chose to employ the toxin at the offensive end of the court. For the next five minutes, I was the only person willing to come within 20 feet of the basket.
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